Spoonbills are rarely seen in Oxfordshire but one was reported yesterday at Port Meadow and then Farmoor Resevoir. This, along with the desire to find arctic terns, led me to a cold and rainy early morning walk along the causeway. 2 yellow wagtails and a single dunlin were on the causeway and 2-3 arctic terns fishing on the far side of F2. Watched 4 pied wagtails flying with a carrion crow taking it in turns to attack it. Would have been nice to have seen the spoonbill but lived in holland for a few years (near flevoland) where there are lots of them. Was happy to see the terns though, and even happier when I bumped into Dai, a local birder, who kindly gave me a lift back to the car park.
arctic tern : UK lifer 261
arctic tern : UK lifer 261
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